**UPDATE – December 15, 2014**
Registration is now closed
**UPDATE – November 20, 2014**
All categories are sold out except for Mens Team Non-RX.
If you wish to be added to the waiting list, please email marc@crossfitwinnipeg.com
**UPDATE – November 19, 2014**
Reminder that public registration opens tomorrow,Thursday November 20th, with a staggered start time :
Ladies Team Non-RX Registration – 11:00 AM
Mens Team Non-RX Registration – 12:00 PM
Ladies Team RX Registration – 1:00PM
Mens Team RX Registration – 2:00PM
Looking forward to seeing you all compete!
Here is the link you will need: https://crossfitwinnipeg.sites.zenplanner.com/sign-up-now.cfm
**UPDATE – November 12, 2014**
Registration is now live for CFW Members. Click here to register.
**UPDATE – November 5, 2014**
Frost Fit 2015 Registration opens Wednesday November 12th, 2014, for CFW Members only!
Public registration will open on Thursday November 20th.
In an effort to have fair representation of various affiliates, we will be contacting affiliates who participated in past FrostFit events to offer up some spots for your athletes over the next couple weeks. Any remaining spots will then be opened for public registration on November 20th.
This year FrostFit will be a two day team event featuring four categories :
Mens 2 person Team Rx
Ladies 2 person Team Rx
Mens 2 person Team Non-Rx
Ladies 2 person Team Non-Rx
We will also be awarding separate Masters (40+) prizing within the Non-Rx divisions and Rx division if there are participants in that age group.
Registration Cost : $250.00 per team ($125 per individual though you will need one team captain to register the team)
Non-Rx Teams : This is essentially the novice category. This category is suitable for athletes who have less than 1 year of CrossFit under their belt or first time competitors. This category is also suitable for teams where neither athletes on the team can do pull-ups, dips, handstand pushups, or where neither athletes can complete a 135/85 lbs snatch or 175/115 lbs clean & jerk. This category does not require advanced gymnastics skills such as muscle-ups or handstand pushups, nor does it require the size or strength required for big lifts, however, having one of your team members more suited to some of these tasks may prove to be an advantage.
Rx Teams : In order to make FrostFit more accessible and inclusive, we have modified the categories this year. FrostFit 2015 Rx Teams is NOT a regional level competition, it is a fun, local, community based event. This category is for athletes who can generally complete the CFW “Fitness” workouts, you do not need to be doing the “Performance” workouts. For visiting affiliates, you may check the CFW WOD to see what our Fitness workouts entail. At least one athlete on the team should be competent in each of the major CrossFit movements. As a team, you should be able to complete most standard classic CrossFit workouts as prescribed, though you will not be disqualified if you cannot complete a movement, you will simply be scored lower on that event. It is not necessary for both team members to be able to complete the workout as prescribed as you will be able to work together. A good strategy would be to have varied skills amongst your team members. To give you a frame of reference, teams should be able to work together to complete the benchmark workouts below as Rx’d within the times indicated. In addition, at least one athlete on each team should be able to complete snatches at 135/95lbs and clean and jerks at 185/125lbs, and at least one athlete on each team should be able to complete dips, pull-ups and handstand pushups.
“Fran” – 21-15-9 reps for time of Pullups & Thrusters (95/65 lbs) – around 6 minutes
“Helen” – 3 rounds for time of 400M run, 21 KB Swings (55/35 lbs), 12 Pullups – around 12 minutes
“Diane” 21-15-9 reps for time of Pullups & Thrusters (225/155 lbs) – around 8 minutes
Please keep in mind events will be judged so competitors will need an understanding of, and the capability to perform, all movement standards as bad or partial reps will not count.
Please keep an eye out on this post as more details will be released daily!